Guide for Networking During Your Job Search

The people you know can be the best way to get connected to new opportunities and lead to career growth. Networking is a great way to get to know others better and for them to learn about you. It’s an ongoing process to build authentic relationships that last. Over time these relationships allow you to demonstrate your value and exchange ideas that could lead you closer to your next role.

So where do you start? This guide will give you tips to strategically build authentic connections and develop your professional network.

Set a Goal in Mind

Before you walk into an event or start sending off LinkedIn requests ask yourself “Who do I want to build a connection with and why?” This will help guide you to the right events and platforms to reach those goals.

If you’re looking for a job, you might immediately think of randomly reaching out to recruiters. Think again. They are inundated with requests from job seekers. Instead a better strategy would be to approach peers at companies of interest.

Ensuring you think about who and why you want to build a connection with will help you prepare effectively. You will be able to articulate your interest and better align your conversations with your connections.

Go Where Your Audience Is

Where does your audience hang out? If there’s a conference or webinar for your field you will have the best chance making connections at these relevant events. Webinars, conferences, and social events allow you to connect with  similar-minded people around the globe. These are people who could help you expand your career, connect you with opportunities, or who you might be able to help one day. 

Leveraging social media and platforms can help you network without leaving your home. Look for professional LinkedIn groups, like LinkedIn Premium Career Group, to find like minded individuals. 

If you’re ready to meet people IRL, head to Meetups for your profession or for groups that you’re interested in.

Seek out Referrals

One of the most seamless ways of building your network is through a referral. Reach out to and spend time with the people who know the people you want to meet. Referrals create a warm introduction, where the people you are looking to be introduced are more likely to be open and receptive to creating an authentic connection. Start with your current circle of connections and former colleagues and slowly branch out. 

Embrace Video Calls

In this digital world, it helps to build as close to personal connections as possible. When you’re building a connection, embrace video calls. This in person approach can mimic a coffee chat and create a more personal experience. You can pick up on nonverbal and facial queues and create a lasting impression with your new connections.

Offer Help

A great way to get connected with others and build a more meaningful relationship is to offer help. Did your new connection mention they are struggling to build a website? Follow up with tips or articles that you’ve seen on the subject. 

Do you have a particular skill that can be helpful for others? Offer it to your immediate network or to those who are seeking a solution that you can provide. People will soon realize that you are someone they can rely on and who provides immediate value. Displaying generosity will make more people receptive to you and they will carry that goodwill into future introductions they make.

Ask for Advice

An easy way to engage connections is by asking questions and starting meaningful conversations. If you’re in person speaking with someone who has the same goal as you, ask for their advice. If you’re speaking with someone who has achieved one of your goals, ask how they got to their position.

Online social networks like LinkedIn offer similar opportunities to reach a wide range of people. Ask your connections for advice on career related topics and you can generate a lot of conversation between your current and potential future connections. Use these platforms to be seen as someone who is engaging in topics of interest. If there are people who post insightful responses, use this shared space to build an initial connection that can be nurtured over time.

Follow up Continuously

Networking is a wonderful way to make personal and professional connections. While the first interaction is enough to create an initial connection, this relationship needs to be nurtured over time. To create long lasting connections you should continuously follow up with the people that you meet.

How should you follow up? Send a personalized email or LinkedIn request within 24 hours of connecting. This extra effort shows that you’re interested in keeping in touch. Next, invite this person for a 1:1 video call, forward information that is related to the conversation you had, or offer to go for a coffee. From there you can stay in touch occasionally via email, LinkedIn or offer to meet.

These basic tips will help you build a successful network. Remember, the goal of networking is to build meaningful relationships. Approach networking as making friends and developing positive relationships between yourself and others in your field. These connections, when nurtured,  can lead to new opportunities, partners, or even your next role. Now get out and meet people the right way!


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